The Best Ways to Find Quality Eyeglasses on the Cheap

Having a suitable pair of eyeglasses can help to correct vision problems and enable people to lead more productive lives. Unfortunately, corrective lenses and frames can be quite expensive. There are, however, a few different ways that a person can go about saving money on eyeglasses. Here are a few of the best tips for saving money on these purchases:

Reuse Old Frames

A new set of frames can be one of the most expensive components involved with the purchase of eyeglasses. This particular expense can be eliminated by simply reusing old frames to fit new corrective lenses when a prescription changes. Most modern frames are highly durable and can last for several years if taken care of properly.

Get Free Repairs or Replacements

If eyeglasses are damages within a given time period, they may be covered under warranty. Many retailers offer these warranties when eyeglasses are initially purchased and will happily provide repairs or replacements for free.

Order Eyeglasses Online

This allows people to make purchases from the comfort of their own home without the pressure from pushy salespeople. Online stores also usually offer greater discounts than in-store dealers. Many reputable online retailers show many different options and allow customers to pick the specific features that they need. Certain sites also feature virtual mirrors so that customers can see what the eyeglasses will look like on their faces when worn. Many of these sites additionally have customer reviews so that people can know if they are in fact getting a good deal on a specific purchase.

Buy High-Quality Products

It is sometimes better to spend more money on a product of better quality. Getting a cheaper pair of inferior eyeglasses not covered under warranty could result in superfluous expenses down the road. Even though a pair may be more expensive, they are not always necessarily better, so it is wise to do thorough research before making the purchase.

Shop Around

Like with all other purchases, it pays to shop around. People can visit various stores and try on different types of frames. Once they have found a pair to their liking, they can make note of the brand and particular style. They can then take this information and compare prices with other retailers. Matching types can also sometimes be found at discount prices through online auction sites.

Review Health Insurance Plans

Several companies offer health benefits to employees. If a person has employer-paid health insurance, they may also have vision care coverage. This coverage can be used to drastically reduce the cost of eyeglasses.

Breaking the bank is not always necessary in order to find suitable eyeglasses. It is always important to be aware of prices and to think of ways to obtain these products inexpensively. Eyeglasses are one of life’s most important purchases, and finding these gems at low prices can definitely be done.

About the Author: Author Sara Roberts has a background in health and technical writing, and is a content contributor for Just Eyewear, an online retailer of prescription glasses and sunglasses.

Image: Joel Washing / Flickr

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